Saturday, June 2, 2012

said five points were registered SWTOR Credits said five points were registered - CAOH

129830304499062500_124Dan from Zhejiang TV, completed turnover procedures not signing live Dan of Anhui TV debut. --> Dan exposes themselves are single (video) the Beijing times reported on June 1 yesterday morning, Hefei, Anhui in the reality TV talent show the necessity of opening were recorded, a former Zhejiang satellite TV "a sister" Dan (click to see Dan film with the fell in love with anchorwoman), debut of the necessity of the moderator's identity. Dan of acceptingVisit, confirmed that she had resigned from Zhejiang satellite TV was running all the formalities, she did not consider checking in any TV, just want to be free people. On the resignation of a place to be for a long time confused Dan revealed, she has been running for more than a month ago has resigned from Zhejiang satellite TV all the formalities, but she denied that moved, "I it doesn't count anyway SWTOR Credits, because I have just resigned, and then doing a free manAnd I hope to maintain this life for a period of time. I like the freedom, want to have time to adjust, to rest. "There are rumors that the Dan before leaving is because of the Chinese dream after Zhou LIBO show invited to join, the Dan were completely marginalized, two contradictions have become increasingly prominent. In response, Dan said, "we put our so-called not enlarged. Zhou LIBO to join the China dream showLater, the program qualities are changed, he was dominant, is the center point of the show, he values the same as I do not, I think it's normal. I will not meet him, he does not meet my, our respect. "When it comes to leaving Zhejiang TV's real reason, Dan said," after I graduated from a unit, people go ahead, would like to stop can't stopAnd hearts are left behind, sometimes very confused Diablo 3 gold, thinking to quiet down. "Dan said, left her two years ago, the idea of Zhejiang satellite TV," Zhejiang satellite TV has trained me for many years, spent a lot of effort, I am thankful. So I also try to train reserve forces in these two years. "In addition, when Dan left Zhejiang satellite TV, Zhejiang TV publicity Chair xinjinDescribed as a sister, alleged to have deliberately and Dan use all one ' s ingenuity to win favor with SB. Dan said, "this is my offer to, needs to have in reserve. Publicity when a sister she was, I could not bear the pressure of time, cannot be accounted for at the location. "Join in asking price not mad bad rules Dan revealed, when she resigned, subsequent work is meizheluo," I may be whatAlso not to, but I have other things to do. And I took the show, you can temporarily vacant Chair, let me stand far, sometimes to keep distances to see their own. "The joining of the imperative of Anhui TV, said she was looking at the program's people. Many media guessing Dan signed on Anhui TV "sky-high transfer fee". Yesterday, Dan first response:"I'm going to definitely not high, something I will not disrupt the market. "Dan said she did not survive too much pressure, and not so much on money requirements," my mother saved me a sum of money, her pension, buy insurance, I have a car, a suite, I also don't like to buy name brand. "Dan said that the imperative is the quarterly webcasts, after the end of the first quarter if no one she, sheWilling to try acting singing. Requirements report Dan to join before a lot. Dan admitted that he had made a lot of requests for this, "such as recording time cannot be extended indefinitely, said five points were registered, it cannot be dragged to the seven or eight points, as unfair to the audience. I also hope that the temperament of the show after, do not change, continue to turn to turn around, I get hurt, I want to write theseInto the contract, the smaller, the better. "Rich boyfriend a lot were reported do not fly, Dan chose Anhui TV, mainly their boyfriend pull strings. Reports that senior Dan of the boyfriend of a listed media group, concentrated in Beijing, this is Dan "going northward for development" an important reason. Anhui TV boyfriend company specializing in project and isStrategic partnership, Dan and smooth cooperation of Anhui TV. Yesterday, Dan and generous response "is really not that thing, I'm single, emotions are blank. If you have a boyfriend, I will tell you, it really is not. "Dan said, when she isn't working, soup at home," I want to be good wives and mothers, at least psychologically to the direction. "One when it comes to myself, Dan says that she has done what she could to find," friends are launched, but do not fly, I can do? "Recently, the hype behind Dan has dedicated teams to help her operation. In response, Dan denies saying, "two years ago, I have my own brokerage team SWTOR Credits, set up a Studio of his own, my first articleRequirements is not to do any of the hype, I don't want to rely on men host. Media friends black I can, if you want to help me with my speculation, then thank you, no! "Reporter's notes to the outgoing light does not have a sister" sister "of Halo, Dan is particularly easy. From yesterday to bounce, smile like flowers on stage, to interview active asked "don't you care about my rich boyfriends"Frank, Pan Dan, referring to the old owner couldn't help but eye red, when it comes to love be tempted eyes glittering. Set sail again Dan, still put my foot in mouth, perhaps, TV screen, missing is the host of the frank! Others:

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