Saturday, June 9, 2012

there was general concern world war will happen again. In February 1923 TERA Power Leveling there

129834133996671250_79Summary: in the day after the Xian incident, discussed the central strategy meeting, appear most people agree that "Chiang Ching-kuo," "in addition to Chiang Kai-shek" when the situation, Zhang Wentian made a different opinion. Zhang Wentian on the two words used by Chiang Kai-shek to express his judgments TERA Power Leveling, one is the "Nanjing Government orthodoxy",-is a "compromise". The abstracts from the 2004 issue of the leading text extraction,By: Zhang Peisen, original question: Zhang Wentian's world view in the Chinese Communist leaders, Zhang Wentian's renowned wealth of international experience and depth of knowledge is famous in the world. He had been to Japan and the United States, and after studying in the Soviet Union, early in the leadership of the CPC is the only United States experienced in his early years. The served as General Secretary of the party's revolutionary, in the last century has shown on many major issuesBroad world view. Just to name a few examples here. After World War I the world situation after the end of world war I, there was general concern world war will happen again. In February 1923, Zhang Wentian in America wrote an article entitled during the thesis of the reparations and war debts, to answer this: If the contradictions between the capitalist States coordinate well, could be "twenty or thirty years of peace",But "after twenty or thirty years will also benefit from country to country conflicts to occur in war". He predicted that after the war SWTOR Credits, the Russian Revolution "will drive millions of a powerful army of workers of the United Europe in order to further the social revolution". It is interesting, the author here but said: "I do not believe that the Soviet Government-can (in Europe) to settle down. "Because"-EuropeAmerican countries of nationality as complex, as different social habits Diablo 3 gold, hold the ideal of conflict ". In China, he noted that: "If China is still as it is, and gives powers in economic management, the people of China as it had to do their cheap labour force. "But the article made it clear that:" I do not believe that the Chinese are so disappointing for othersSlave. I believe that China will soon become a bright power! "History of simple control after World War I, World War II broke out, troops of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, drastic changes in Eastern Europe, and so on, Zhang Wentian's 80 years ago the world situation is expected, almost can be said to have been fulfilled. Though the author is-20 young people in their early thirties, but his world view can be said to have seen signs.Out long after the natural defense situation analysis on September 17, 1935, the central Red Army break through the natural barrier of Lazikou, in the course of the Red Army from northern Shaanxi, Gansu province, Zhang Wentian from the news reports that two things happened outside, one is Japan, made in China, North China incident of aggression the latest developments "chahaer events", and the other was Italy armed invasion of Abyssinia (This Ethiopia). For the first event, on October 1, he wrote an article in the chahaer event and Japan imperialism of the annexation of North China, revealed Japan's aggression in China ambitions and it caused a serious national crisis and effects of attention on the situation in the world in this matter, and pointed out that the incident "further tensions within the imperialist contradictions and conflicts", "The conflict between Japan and the United States since theFor the second event, just entered in the Central Shaanxi Province, Zhang Wentian on October 22 in wuqi (now in wuqi County) chaired the first Politburo (enlarged) meeting time, it proposes a relationship between changes in the world situation of big questions: "on Abyssinian War started the second world war. "" This will add to Japan's aggression against China ",Second is "at the same time weakening other imperialist counter-revolution in China to help". Based on the above analysis of the situation, he proposed that the main target of battle "against Japan," which called on the whole party to hold high the banner of "anti-" banner, and no longer revert to the past "against imperialism" and "anti-imperialist divided China" slogan. Next and makes it clear that the Red Army "to defend the Soviet areasDirect National Revolutionary War ", the actual means for nearly 10 years with the Kuomintang" civil war "changes to the track of the war. Under the guiding ideology of this strategic change, he led the central organ not long arrived in wayaobu, will conduct a comprehensive review on the basis of changes in the social class, further proposed to "using a broad range of system-frontPolicy of "questions to the party Center where the problem. Coincidentally at this time by the Communist International sent home the eager to convey the spirit of the international after a long journey to wayaobu. Zhang Wentian in complete ignorance of the Comintern held seven of the cases, on the basis of their analysis of the situation of the proposed adjustment of the basic strategy that is consistent with the spirit of the Communist International. In this way, international newsAnd General Secretary of the national on the instructions of an individual's thought can be said to hit it off, it is of great historical significance in the history of the bǔ Conference can take hold of an important cause. Others:

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