Sunday, April 1, 2012

diablo 3 gold what are the reasons behind the statistics - HQX

129770966714375000_44Hong Beijing March 24 messages according to the voice of the press reported the evening peak, recently, a report entitled "Beijing University student cadres and the proportion of children continues to rise in" articles in the media and widely circulated on the network, and many of the comments, whether it is true as the article says? Students ' family background in the study of how big? Elite higher educationFinishing children in rural areas are not dominant in our highest level of authority in the field of social sciences of the Chinese social science academic journal recently published an article entitled the silent revolution: origin of Peking University and Soochow University student society (1952~2002), academic papers, which shows: after the 90 's of the last century, Peking University students, children of cadres riseBy 1997 diablo 3 gold, the ratio of 39.76%, professional and technical personnel more than their children for the first time, more than workers, and farmers. This study is based on a 1952 Peking University and Soochow University students in nearly 50 years of archival research, led to fair education, education, "privileges" for discussion. Lecturer in history, one of the authors of the Nanjing UniversityLiang Chen explained that the statistics there is no problem, but requires careful consideration on the definitions of key terms. Liang Chen: the inside, there are a few technical problems, first is what is, and because the students fill in the student card, he will not say my home, such as cadres, can fill, say what could be my Dad what factory workshop Director, or my dad was teaching of middle schoolDirector, we have all of these are counted as a cadre, the concept is quite broad, it is not a strict concept of cadres, and certainly not of a concept. According to a statistics, directly under the Ministry of education of colleges and universities, only 30% per cent of students in rural areas, and there is a downward trend. Lao Kaisheng, Professor of education, Beijing Normal University, an elite higher educationEducation, children in rural areas do not prevail, can even be said, more and more difficult to squeeze into an elite University. Lao Kai: opportunities for higher education, College is much more opportunities than in the past, but to enter University, to the proportion of components now have bigger problems, that is, inside the University students, many upper-class families from the community, then this would bringProblems of social injustice. If freedom of speech is based on the data of the experts, Zhu get real experience. He is a graduate level 84, Peking University, has established a fund to finance students admitted to Peking University in Anhui Province, he told reporters, in recent years, the number of students who need it a lot less, because of poor family students Beijing University on Tsinghua UniversityLess and less. Mr Zhu: if from the North on this point, there is less and less now that children in rural areas north of little, we have a Fund, now has less and less willing to accept funds, because domestic conditions are good. Root cause uneven resource allocation for education by this research in a related discussion has been in the media and networksExpand on, then why this topic is so interesting, what are the reasons behind the statistics? In the famous educators, Vice President of the Institute for 21st century education Xiong Bingqi (Twitter), the public concern on this issue and is not an accident, it actually reflects the public on students ' family backgrounds, educational equity concern this issue. Xiong Bingqi: householdsLandscape and famous on this relationship involves the problem of educational equity, for the effects of social equity, social justice, second is affecting the whole of the educational policy. What causes of education is not fair? Surprising is, most experts believe that the rights of the main causes of this phenomenon are not licensed, but educational resources are not balanced. Lao KaiWith all due respect, separated when the student competition at the start of "various grades and ranks". Lao Kai: even at the pre-school stage, which had begun to appear, step by step, when the final exam, between the candidates actually is not exactly on the same starting line. Say Eastern candidates and candidates in the West, candidates and candidates for village of the city, was quite good, Education environment better candidates and candidates who was poor tera power leveling, they are completely different. Even if the college entrance examination that seems "equality" also exists in the way that great injustice. Survey shows that urban children only in English on the score more than 20 higher than rural children, senior cadres gathered in places like Beijing swtor gold, a large lower North bar. In this kind ofBackground, cadres and the children without the aid of privileges can be easier than civilian children came into the University. This reality kills "education can change your life" the simple truth. Lao Kaisheng appeals to reforming admission policies, from rural areas and the underlying admitted to vulnerable social groups and students have more opportunities. Lao Kai: a is called the difference principle, one is called the principle of compensation,Differences and compensation to make this part of the vulnerable groups of society can be a social compensation, through this kind of social compensation to reflect the fair. In addition, increasing investment in rural education is fundamental, this year's Government work report "in 2012, the central budget expenditure of education according to the gross domestic product of 4% arrangements, and will ensure that this target to achieve. (Responsibility seriesSeries: Zhang Jun) Others:

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