Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera power leveling - OTZ

129788442992968750_95Because of the particularity of affordable housing, intended to impose interim measures for the management of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous regional affordable housing (draft) caused concern. Low-rent housing, public rental housing, affordable housing, order merchandise upon completion of the housing, social housing should be allocated to who, what conditions are met can apply? Issues of most concern for many low-income families, reporterInvited experts in the building sector, intended to introduce the interim procedures (draft submitting for approval) an interpretation of. Keyword traffic relatively easy in a convenient location in area "phenomenon" at present, the security housing projects of many provinces and cities in China, attributable to its remote location led to the inaccessibility, together with education, health care and other facilities fail to improve, to some degree of protectionHousing purchase, who lives and works in trouble. "Interpretation of" affordable housing, not only to resolve difficult to purchase housing, but that the purchase was facilitated and livable environment. Based on this, the provisional measures (draft) suggested that affordable housing construction projects should be based on approved land-use planning, urban and rural planning, selection in geological conditions of safe and reliable,Suitable environment, convenient public transport and public facilities such as business, education, health care, culture and municipal equipment to improve the region, in line with the principle of land-using concentrately, full use of the land in stock, scientific planning, rational distribution, purchase, feel, while live in low-income housing community, also have the convenience of life supporting facilities and rich amateurish cultural life.Keywords II 9 channels funds difficult points "of" last year, is mandated to 290,000 units of affordable housing in our region. However, because money cannot keep up in a timely manner, progress made in the construction of some projects had been affected. Last year in June, the reporter had an interview with me in some counties found that nearly half, affordable housing project has not started, in addition to land expropriationAnd mainly inadequate funding problems. "Interpretation" from last year, due to the construction of affordable housing more tasks than in previous years, financial issues cannot be resolved immediately. However, through the use of bond financing, including in our region, within the prescribed time, surpassed the State issued a started task. I started this year more than 210,000 more affordable housing, how to solve itFunding problems ahead, the interim procedures (draft), clearly, Governments at all levels should ensure that affordable housing construction fund, can solve the financial difficulties through the 9 channels: (a) budgetary arrangements at all levels of affordable housing program funds, (ii) from the risk reserve and the value-added benefit of housing accumulation fund management fee balance; and (iii) not less than 5% of the landLet sold price (with enrollment, and took, and hanging, and agreement transfer,); (four) supportability housing construction financing (including bank loan, and non-bank loan and housing Provident Fund loan,); (five) rental sold supportability housing of income; (six) Central generation made of local government bond; (seven) local government financing platform company issued of enterprise bond or medium-term bills; (eight) supportability liveRoom allocation of building commercial facilities such as shops selling, rental income, (IX) other ways to raise funds. Keywords to implement three quality construction quality lifelong "phenomenon" live in less than a year, wall cracks; admission period, water pipe bursting sth In recent years, the affordable housing construction appears "flat crunchy", "wall of flour" to educate the public on affordable housingQuestioned the quality of construction. ����Last year, the Administrative Department of Guangxi construction engineering quality level in every quarter in check, and also found some social engineering to use "thin steel" tera power leveling, some issues such as inadequate project supervision. "Interpretation" to solve the problem of quality affordable housing, affordable housing truly "protection", I introduce file, affordable housing project construction qualityImplementation of the tenure. This time intended to be issued new rules with the same clear, construction of city and county administrative departments according to law on the protection of the quality and cost of housing construction activities such as supervision and management. Development imposed on its development and construction of affordable housing units should be acceptance, bear the quality responsibility in a reasonable service life. In house building set on quality responsibility of permanent identification system, Accept public supervision. Under the new approach, the future source of security housing in our region there are 6 areas: Government investment construction housing; government purchase, renovation, leasing the House; the Government recovered according to the law, the confiscation of houses (including free return public houses), enterprises or other organizations tera power leveling, in accordance with agreed upon with the Government building housing; equipped building, housing construction construction security housing;Grants and other means to raise housing. ����Worthy of note is that quality security vulnerability exists, property rights disputes or disputes, does not meet the security standards of housing, not as affordable housing housing stock. Type keywords four area area has clear criteria tera gold, "" more than 180 square meters, affordable housing built in the floor sth Few yearsQian, in an affordable housing project in Nanning, oversized attracted the attention of some houses. ����In recent years, outside the district there are also quite a few who have built economic housing area exceeded. "Interpretation" in recent years and where violations of Super standard of building affordable housing, I intended to be introduced by the interim procedures (draft), clearly, all types of affordable housing units builtBuilt area to control according to the following standard: low-rent housing in the 50 square meter; public rental housing construction area of about 40 square meters, control of 60 square meters; affordable housing at around 60 square meters; price merchandise at about 90 square meters of housing. Price merchandise housing project type single sets of 90 square meters in the following ratio shall not be less than80%. Type the standard control, affordable housing in affordable housing bid farewell to the past history of an unlimited sized unit type, means that to some extent affordable housing adjusts to base the concept of affordable housing in place. From now on, our area will be strictly in accordance with the above standard security housing. By city and County departments in charge of housing security of the affordable housingLocation, type, size, price, delivery time and supply such information to the public in a timely manner. At the same time, local media such as television, newspapers, and Government Web sites, the distribution of affordable housing rental, placing the object's name, family size, income, public rental housing area of placing information distribution. In accordance with the regulations, a family can rent a set of low-rent housing or public rental housingRoom. Considered family generation inter-, and gender, and age structure and family population, factors, distribution rent standard principles for: family population 1 people of, family constitute for single (including unmarried, and divorced, and widowed), can distribution rent sets type for hostels, and single home or small sets type; family population 2 people of, family frame became couples and the children is not full 10 age of single parent families, can distribution rent sets type for Dan Ju, and smallOr family of 2 people, families of children above 10 years old single parent families, rent to be equipped with medium or large; 3 or more, family structure to become husband and wife and their children, providing rent-for medium or large. Previous page 1 2 next page eight key words reading affordable housing rules interpretation of eight keywords in Guangxi Guangxi's affordable housing rules (2) Others:

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