Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold is under active preparation. It is worth mentioning that - CVA

129773928440156250_47Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog rolling financial capital history of the domestic economic and industrial economic current affairs news consumption in international economic life financial reviewThematic depth interviews a week topic hexun Newsweek predicted public laws and regulations cover data reading business school training weather collection luxury calendar finance ministries financial products news > body print RSS size 2012-March 27 source: Red NET-world author: lvlin a round flat piece of jade with a big hole in its centre after the childhood, no Coke, no Kentucky Fried chicken, no McDonald 's, but must not no jianlibao. As the restructuring of capital and Enterprise shrank, jianlibao was fading out of Changsha one's mind, and had just ended the day before yesterdaySugar reception, Jian Li Bao spent millions take down the entire area one of the most expensive booth high profile merchant. Central China area Marketing Director fugang, jianlibao to signal the official start to the national market. At the same time, Changsha has been listed as jianlibao central China's first goal this year to 4 million Special Fund for further building Changsha distribution network. If no accident, then, second half of the yearYears, Changsha and they can see in the major Super "long lost" Jian Li Bao. Reporter lvlin reported 4 million to build a round flat piece of jade with a big hole in its centre Chengdu Changsha distribution network from the market with major operators of the school into the main "security" tera gold, "nostalgia" brand has gone through a long "ice age" tera gold, at last the jianlibao marketing spring. 86th Chengdu sugar and wineWill spend millions on, took the most expensive booth jianlibao, robbed the best dealers of the eye. "Our starting in 2011, has been one after another to expand the market, getting ready for the restart of jianlibao, this high profile debut, is our official starting signal. ����"Central China area Marketing Director fugang told reporters at the scene said. Fugang revealed, Changsha has been setJian Li Bao "comeback" in central China after the first goal, this year will be 4 million Special Fund for building Changsha distribution network. Jianlibao Changsha district general distribution Chunlin Li presented to reporters a copy of the data, in 1996, the jianlibao heyday in Changsha sales of 30 million Yuan, from 2002 to 2007, enterprises shrank from Changsha market, 2008 into Changsha, sales of 200,000 yuan, 2009 sales of 800,000 2010 sales rise to 1.8 million by 2011, sales jumped to 3.76 million. "This year's target of 8 million to 10 million. ����"Chunlin Li expressed" no pressure ". At a press reception in sugar, jianlibao package nowCommission package more fashionable. ����In addition to the classic "Jian Li Bao", after its comeback has launched the "fifth quarter" series product lines covered the drink inside almost all categories. From the school market with major operators of ' development of fugang said, "by the end of last year, we have central headquarters moved to Changsha, Hunan, Jiangxi, in 2012, the main market in Changsha in central China area."Reporter learned that, starting from the second half of the year, jianlibao full access, including Wal-Mart, Carrefour, the new one better, shangchao, step by step, is under active preparation. It is worth mentioning that, jianlibao turnover doubled since 2008, is derived from a lower base on the one hand, and on the other hand, "the health dint treasure" features of marketing model has itsCharacteristics. Jianlibao Group Manager Sun Jindong in Hunan province, said: "we have taken in Hunan" countryside surrounding the city of "marketing route, market focused schools starting in 2009, 2010 begins to do wholesale, 11 retail Terminal, when the market be fully visible when the rate reaches a certain level of" attack ", to large commercial super to enter. This mode in a large wayReducing investment risk. "" Selected as the first station in Cheung Sha primarily take into account two aspects, first, as a type of consumption and development of Changsha city, good market prospects while in Changsha, we have a very good brand Foundation, also has considerable dynamism in the market in Changsha, as a first stop tera power leveling, we will choose to expect good market acceptance of the city. "Just a sectionShao. Talked about why this change in Changsha sales model problem, fugang said: "the market chose to be before school, because you want to this part of the students ' future prospects. More mature distribution channel in Changsha school has been doing better. Companies ' development of Changsha's big super markets had been prepared. "Main" security "and" nostalgia "in wineWater and drink a dozen years of Tang Jie, Jian Li Bao is one must mention terms of the beverage industry in recent years, it heralded the return of veteran beverage brands and comeback. "In recent years, the excessive expansion of scale of food and beverage industry, food safety issues, gives consumers a lot of insecurity, and many brands are leading in their respective fields, affecting industry, there are wonderful,Especially in middle and old-aged consumers there culture, traditions of nostalgia. "Security" is almost conventional. Therefore, many of the unique advantages of market capital is Chinese and old brands. "" Jian Li Bao did very well on this point, in March last year, jianlibao start "loved up" national non-commercial activities, its image in the minds of the public health set up, while its "80 's "memories of this emotional cards either got it about right. "But if it is really" old tree flowers ", Tang Jie thought Outlook was not as clear as they had expected. ����"Veteran represented by jianlibao drink is tapping from the memories, but also in the market is relatively backward. Today, the products are highly competitive, high concentration of industry, marketHas formed a unified, master, oligopolistic structure such as Coca Cola, Pepsi, in the context of economic, industrial, even come back, there will be market pressure, its prospects will go through trials and hardships and frustrations. �� Others:

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