Sunday, April 1, 2012

swtor gold March 27 - GMV

129771661606250000_12Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 25 (reporters Yang Yi and and and Hua Yedi)-next week (March 26) in Shanghai and Shenzhen limited lifting of a marked increase in the market value of shares, according to the March 23 closing price will reach $ 18 billion, increased by almost 1 time over the previous week. China domain automobile shares more than billion dollars will be limited next week to break down taboos and 19 lifted in listed companiesOf the largest market value of listed shares in circulation. Statistics according to the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges diablo 3 power leveling, has 19 listed companies next week involving restricted shares lifted, which dealt with stock limited shares lifted by 3 companies involved private issuance of restricted shares lifted by 3 companies involved listing starting one year after the original release of 7 companies of shareholders involved listing 3 months after the Agency distributionThere are 5 companies sold shares lifted involving public company shareholders of additional restricted shares lifted 1 companies.����Which involves the private issuance of restricted shares lifted the biggest, reached $ 12.7 billion. China domain cars limited stocks lifted by next week play, Shanghai automobile group through a major reorganization of assets previously held by 1.11 billion China domain auto will beNext Tuesday (March 27) the ban swtor gold, 23rd and closing price of the total market capitalisation of $ 10.94 billion.����But analysts point out that domain auto 60.1% of State-controlled shareholders as holding China, SAIC took this opportunity to reduce the probability is very small. Face greater selling pressure next week may focus on the 5 gem and junior stocks. Satellite petrochemical,Honglei shares, He Jing technology, Nantong metalforming and Jin Ming machinery 5 3 months ago listed stocks, petrochemical and satellite and technology shares currently in issue price over satellite petrochemical shares rose 34.75% within 3 months, making 8 participating institutional investors placing under the net investment income of $ 139 million. However, Honglei shares, Nantong metalforming, Jinming industial Seiki3 stocks are still at the "break" tera power leveling, also highlights the Agency "new" faces a huge risk. Others:

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