Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera power leveling I am reluctant to use described above - AWF

129779323242968750_19On March 31, 32 Premier League leader Aston Villa, Bulgaria players sidilian·bideluofu was diagnosed with acute leukemia. Know the severity of his night stands still appears in the home game against Chelsea, the audience applauded when the fans to 19 minutes in game to salute him, petrof is a standing ovation to the fans back. Although Villa had lost the game, butAre petrof this mad spirit of football player has touched all present should say petrof was the real winner in this game, Chelsea had won only one game, and he won the entire "football". Lenovo internally football, I can't help but have the feeling: the Premier League is the real representative of the spirit of football, who play real football. In theAlthough the State is the origin of the original football, and now internally football has lost its original spirit of football, and has become a toy factory and capital, less sincere passion of love football. The 2002 World Cup, Chinese football was kicked out of the country, also playing out of the spirit of the Chinese people. Cyclone once set off football, the sports weekly circulation of douzeng, morePeople begin to pay attention to Chinese football.   Actually, I am reluctant to use described above, personally feel that real football is simple and clean, too much should not represent a utilitarian, some contend only the technology and the resources, but football moves within the borders, and should not be added too much color, otherwise is an insult to football. Also in the same World Cup, team several timesFailure of big scores, plus the members of old and when the new crop is still in the blade and the old one is all consumed-temporary shortage, guozu was dubbed "junk" out, disgusted with the sound persists still lingering, more audiences chose to leave.   Visible fans hides a lot of "parallel imports", their eyes focused more than football. Super stands, "much less" seems to have become common sense,Warmer this year have 23,000 hits new high of spectators.   But compared to China's largest urban population in the arenas that inadequate stub, taking Guangzhou as an example, up to the total population of 14 million, 2012 Guangzhou Derby did not match attendance exceeded 30 tera gold,000.   We can see that the Chinese football "not just calcium deficiency and lack of love", how can the healthy growth! FirstFirst, lack of comfortable love of the environment. The growing prices of urban land of inch-inch gold, the high-rises in the city, it's hard to find a suitable open space to play football, football clubs and has almost become a noble piece of exclusive; it's hard to find a decent venue for football in schools, coupled with student learning tasks and issues such as physical education teachers are equipped with, existing football field almost deserted;Heavy, light sports about family values and the development of children, how some parents want to see their children playing because of delays in learning?   Not to mention the injuries that may occur. Furthermore tera power leveling, the lack of media interest in love. In addition to a football match before the event, we see very little football caused by massive media storm, this fraud is toSuper do "operation" should be all for it. However, in daily broadcast of races, encounters with the time period when other sports competitions tera power leveling, some media have forsaken the domestic football competition. Other than Super team in unknown teams, almost no one knows they exist, problems such as youth tournament broadcast ratings often do not run. Some media even onlyLace News said of the player, how can in addition to foul the player's image, to raise the level of domestic players who have a mm do? In addition, the lack of fans love. Some fans are divided into the following, one is pure killing time, the fans don't usually love which team; one is a thrill, which team is better will follow it;Outside is a hardcore fan, this loyal fans cannot be described in words. For many people, football was a youth game, as he grew older, working pressure, people will gradually fade out the ring. United Kingdom is extremely devout fans for his club, before the 90 's of the last century, United Kingdom Club has a tradition of allowing fans to sprinkle ashes after deathOn the pitch, but when sprinkled the ashes of grass will grow from perennial grasses, the tradition was canceled.   I think it might be "senior" the best explanation. Much love, our football will be wonderful; love, does not weaken our football. Transferred from the Red network Others:

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