Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling as long as access to them after a few minutes - BES

129773438979531250_1122Reminded: spring allergies go out to pay more attention to this newspaper reporter Xu Youjia reporter Chen Weili bloom, these days, good weather is best suited for a family outing. Yesterday, Mr Gu to bring the family to the Zoo. But shortly after departure from home, taking first the stomach pain, stomach Medicine bought regardless. In desperation, GuTo return home. Who knows, thought their own events in little regard, had at the bus stop waiting for a bus, body and swollen, numb, limbs stiff, like stroke, people are in a State of shock. Fortunately, waiting for a kind of little girl helped him 120, he was sent in a timely manner. After diagnosis tera power leveling, take care of this frightening disease turned out to be because of allergies. Yesterday at about 10 o'clock in the morning, takingFrom Sunrise is the Sir family garden. To the South port Avenue, East Avenue, Gu suddenly felt stomach pain. Get off to buy 39 Wei Tai, still no improvement after drink. Gu Wu let his wife Lady to play with children, themselves are prepared to a nearby bus stop, go home by bus. But when he did not go to the transfer point, slowly feeling stiffness in limbs,All red pins and needles. Take the memories later, "I really thought she stroke. "He gave Madam Wu Tel:" back to your heart, I do not feel well, hands and feet are numb. "Not Lady back to Wu, Gu was sick had to sit down on the ground. "Thanks to the platform waiting for the little girl in the timely call an ambulance for me. "Mr Koo was sent to the people's armed police hospital, sister-in-lawLiang also help inform his family. "Desperating at that time, I was stiff body, simply will not lift up, so I do not know what she looks like. But it is thanks to this dedicated girl. "Was sent to the hospital, take care of whole body red, there is a piece of a red rash, my eyes are red, and stiff hands and feet, five fingers held together, broke off breaking open。 In addition, his blood pressure was very low. Doctor emergency to Mr Koo liters of blood pressure, injection, and gave him oxygen. Subsequently, Mr Koo was taken to the hospital in stable conditions. Hospital, Dr Ren Meng told a press conference, Mr Koo allergic symptoms are caused by body stiffness and confusion is anaphylactic shock. What causes allergies, not sure yet. It is understood that theSensitivity of shock is a rare and dangerous systemic allergic reactions, prone to respiratory tract constriction and a sudden drop in blood pressure, if it is not treated immediately, can cause death. Most commonly cause anaphylactic shock due to injury by insects and taking any type of medication (such as drug containing penicillin), some foods (such as peanut, shellfish, eggs, and milk) can also cause allergic reactions. For certain specificSubstances sensitive people, as long as access to them after a few minutes, there will be reactions. Yesterday afternoon, Mr Koo said of the physical condition is improving: "I have allergic history of alcohol, just drink half a bottle of beer or one or two wine, body rash, so I haven't drank. Other allergies are not. "The night before, Mr Koo ate haidilao hotpot, but eatNot much. Yesterday morning he eats porridge and noodles at home, 39 Wei Tai granule is separated after more than an hour to drink, "these things are common to eat, do not know what allergies. "Mr Koo said, after their spring out be careful," I know only through the back, man this season to be careful of allergies, spring recovery of all things, there are a lot of thingsIs made, people with allergies are easy to move in. "Spring allergies people pay more attention to how to avoid allergies in the spring? Reporter specifically consulted the Shen of the doctor in the Hospital of Hangzhou City. He describes, are various allergy prone season in spring, spring folk saying "herbs shoot back, diseases-prone" tera gold, in addition to airborne pollen, blossoms falling short easy to some sensitive Constitution after inhalation of leadAllergies, some time ago a drizzly, breeding of mold in the House is also easy to cause disease. In addition, there are food allergies tera gold, like eating mangoes, spinach, milk, flour, and so on may also be caused by allergies, depends on the person. For people of allergic physique, Shen doctor recommends to hospitals before detection of allergen, so as to stay away from them to avoid unknowingly causing allergic reactions. Pollen, blossoms falling shortProne to allergic people, should be as few parks, scenic, or go out wearing a mask. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

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